
We recognise that the way we achieve these aims is as important as the aims themselves. The following values underpin our work:

Decisions will be made transparently and communicated honestly.

Decisions will be arrived at through a just and fair process and be as fair as possible to all those affected.

We will strive to make sure clients are never treated unequally because of their ethnic origin, culture, religion, age, disability, sexually or gender and we will strive to ensure equal ease of access to services on the basis of people's needs.

Effectiveness :
Decisions will be based on full understanding of the effectiveness, different options and the approach in meeting needs - so that resources are used to achieve the best outcomes.

Value for money:

Consideration of the relative cost, efficiency and quality of different services will play a central role in decision making - so that services of an agreed and tolerable standard are available to as many people as possible.


Decisions made will take into account the wishes of local communities so that our services reflect, as far as possible; the differing needs of service users within the communities.

At an individual level. The particular circumstance and preference of clients and carers will be taken into consideration.